الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2016

Sleeping children early may protect them from obesity in adolescence

A recent US study reported that there is always an opportunity to give children a healthy sleep habits and these habits may protect them from obesity later.

A report prepared by researchers and published in the journal (Bedeatricks) that children under school who perpetuate to sleep by the age of eight in the evening they were less susceptible to obesity Ten years later by half compared with their counterparts who stayed up after the ninth evening.

Said lead researcher Sarah Anderson of The Ohio State University in Columbus, told Reuters Health, "encouraging children to sleep early may be a way to prevent weight gain."

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that overweight among children has become a major health problem in the United States accounting for nearly 17 percent obese children and adolescents or about 13 million children.

And Anderson and her colleagues analyzed 977 children were born healthy data in 1991 and tracked their cases annually until the age of fifteen.

But Anderson said that some families may not have the luxury of setting her child in bed early and added, "If the father and mother they finish their work, and they return to the home late it may be to follow the system to sleep thing involves a challenge."

It stated that it is important that parents think their child in the timing of sleep "until he gets enough sleep.
Source : reuters arabic